Thank you supporters: €24.492 for SOS Children's Villages in Ukraine

SOS Kinderdorpen

The supporters of RSC Anderlecht have outdone themselves once again. The auction of the exclusive shirts after the semi-final of the Croky Cup against KAS Eupen yielded no less than 24,492 euro.

The money will go to SOS Children's Villages. This organization has been supporting children and families in difficulty in Ukraine for 20 years. Following the uprise of violence, more than 100 children have already been evacuated to SOS Children's Villages in Poland and 25 children have found shelter in Romania.

With the extra financial gift from the supporters of RSC Anderlecht and KAS Eupen, over 600 families will be able to get the help they need. They will be provided with qualitative care and aftercare for their basic needs, shelter, school and psychological trauma counselling. It is also important that children have a caregiver by their side to deal with their traumas.

Thank you supporters!