"Supporting sports is one of the most valuable pillars in Coca-Cola's sponsorship policy. We are proud to be a loyal partner for over 35 years of RSCA. Our support goes from sponsoring with our drinks to financial support, but we prefer to bring together young and old to support our footballers during the game."
"The origin of ABInbev dates back to the year 1366 in the 'Den Hoorn' brewery in Leuven, and their story continues until 2016 when ABI fuses with SAB Miller. On top of being the global market leader, AB Inbev also has a rich tradition when it comes to knowhow, quality, innovation and service towards the consumer and partners. We always put our clients and partners first. The dream of ABInbev is to bring people together for a better world. The main Belgian brands are Stella Artois, Jupiler, Leffe, Hoegaarden, Tripel Karmeliet, Cubanisto and Belle-Vue. The latest award-winning innovation of the brewery is Jupiler 0.0%."
RTL play
RTL play is RTL Belgium's video platform. You can watch live or replay content from your RTL tvi, RTL plug and RTL club channels, as well as Radio Contact and Bel RTL. Many exclusive programmes (series, reports, entertainment programmes) are also available on the platform.